Harrison School of Pharmacy (HSOP) has been a part of Auburn University’s rich family history and tradition since 1885. Consistent with our University’s values, our program is built on foundation of patient care as we aspire to educate tomorrow’s pharmacists. Aspiring students enter a professional program in which faculty/student relationships are built on mutual respect with the faculty mentoring student junior colleagues to become mature health professionals. HSOP’s trend-setting curriculum is fully integrated and prepares graduates who are ready to enter practice with personal character, confidence, and competence to assume leadership positions in their communities and as members of patient care teams. As part of their pharmacy practice experiences, student pharmacists continuously care for patients, beginning with their first semester. This aspect of the curriculum is unique to Auburn and provides an innovative mechanism to tie coursework to actual patients.
HSOP is located in the Walker Building on the Auburn University campus. This facility is designed to optimize the School’s educational mission. Students’ learning is positively affected by small group meeting rooms available solely for students, high-tech lecture halls, a multipurpose skills lab, a pharmaceutical care center, and a pharmacy dispensary. HSOP is one of only a few pharmacy schools operating a pharmaceutical care clinic in its building that students can experience throughout their education. The Mobile Satellite Campus is located on the campus of the University of South Alabama. The facilities are similar to those on the Auburn Campus and the extensive use of information technology facilitates the replication of Auburn’s quality Pharm.D. program at the Mobile satellite. Location of the HSOP’s program at the University of South Alabama allows the education of student pharmacists in a setting which facilitates collaboration with students in medicine and other health professions. Faculty members are also located in health care facilities throughout Alabama and in adjacent states, allowing student pharmacists to complete their advanced practice experiences in a wide variety of practices.
Auburn is located 110 miles southwest of Atlanta, Georgia and 115 miles southeast of Birmingham. The community is dedicated to the University and its 30,000 students. The environment allows students to experience university life while receiving an excellent general and professional education at the same time. The campus environment affords access to amenities that are typical for a major university, including cultural events and SEC athletics.
Mobile is a city located in a metropolitan area of approximately 600,000 people and is in close proximity to the lovely Alabama Gulf Coast. It is a city known for its rich history, including the celebration of Mardi Gras. The location of the Mobile satellite on the campus of the University of South Alabama (16,000 students) provides student pharmacists with the opportunity to experience campus life while completing their professional degree. The HSOP’s Mobile Campus Students are provided access to the University of South Alabama’s campus facilities.
The following video provides a glimpse inside the Harrison School of Pharmacy:
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